September 9, 2019. The Settlement Administrator has completed mailing distribution checks to eligible claimants. If you have received a distribution check please cash or deposit it promptly. If you are an eligible claimant and have not received a distribution check please contact the Settlement Administrator as soon as possible at 1 888-206-5360.
This website contains information regarding the settlements reached in the above mentioned Action between Futures Plaintiffs and (i) the Moore Defendants and Defendant Welsh, and (ii) Defendant MF Global, Inc. (“MFGI”).
For more information regarding the Moore/Welsh Settlement, please click here.
For more information regarding the MF Global, Inc. Settlement, please click here.
Please note: Potential Futures Class members need only submit ONE Proof of Claim and Release form to participate in BOTH the Moore/Welsh Settlement and the MF Global, Inc. Settlement. Please review each settlement webpage for additional details.
Important Updates:
1. October 7, 2014: An updated Scheduling Order dated October 7, 2014 has updated the Important Dates and Deadlines section on the Moore Settlement page of this website.
2. November 14, 2014: The Court issued an Order dated November 14, 2014 that set certain deadlines and directed notice of the proposed settlement with MF Global be provided to the Futures Class. More information can be found on the MF Global Settlement page of this website.
3. February 27, 2015: The Court issued the Final Order and extended the claims filing deadline to May 13, 2015.
4. April 13, 2015: The Court issued a Revised Scheduling Order extending deadlines for certain Affected Large Traders.

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